Unsere erste Vorstellung sind die POLYCORNS (dt. "Mehrhörner") aus den USA. Genauer: Caleb Campbell (Vocals, Guitar, Keys) und Pablo Burrull (Bass & Drums) .
In meinem Interview mit den Jungs habe ich unter anderem herausgefunden, was die beiden gegen Radiomusik haben und warum sie nicht verraten, welche Gefühle sie mit ihren Songs ausdrücken möchten.
Hier das Interview:
Me: Did you always wish to become a professional musician?
The POLYCORNS: My whole life, my family always encouraged music and everything associated with it. I always wanted to be a filmmaker too. and the ever popular astronaut...
Me: Imagine the apocalypse. Which song by which artist would you rescue to survive?
The POLYCORNS: Wow, that is quite an epic question. hmm, its tough to answer. I guess I could imagine a different artist save in a million different scenarios, from Niel Young to Deerhoof.
Me: Where do you get ideas for tracks from?
The POLYCORNS: Usually a song comes from me being immersed in some sort of rhythm or chord on the guitar or piano. I'll sit there for hours exploring it. It's all very fun for me. After a couple days or so the song is just there, its very gradual sometimes. other times its faster...
Me: What differs your music from radio-mainstream-shit?
The POLYCORNS: hahaha, well, I guess you could say the politics of "radio friendly" music is part of radio's destruction. When you have tons of corporate ceo's from huge record labels deciding on what sells the best, the evolution of music is lost. Not only is it lost its promoted to a new generation of people who aren't aware that the music they listen to on the radio is such bull shit. From an early age these people were taught how to ignore the little guy in his basement revolutionizing a sound. I hope that more people will wake up and realize that the indie music being made now is the music people will study decades from now. Not the one hit wonders on the radio. All that stuff sounds the same. BAD..
Me: Do you believe in true love?
The POLYCORNS: Yes and No. Its only true love if both parties involved are on the same page... for the same duration of time. haha
Me: How would you describe your music in 3 words?
The POLYCORNS: breakfast lunch dinner
Me: Which main feeling comes across in your songs?
The POLYCORNS: It depends on the song and the person listening. I personally don't like to tell people the feeling I'm trying to get across because when it comes down to it people are going to feel their own way about it. I don't wanna take that away from them. Just like a painting, people will interpret it and disagree with each other over the feelings and meanings. It belongs to everyone so everyone is right in what they think.
thanks @ POLYCORNS
Hier gibts das Interview mit den POLYCORNS auf Deutsch.
Und hier könnt ihr das Album "Goldfish Graveyards" der POLYCORNS downloaden.
In meinem Interview mit den Jungs habe ich unter anderem herausgefunden, was die beiden gegen Radiomusik haben und warum sie nicht verraten, welche Gefühle sie mit ihren Songs ausdrücken möchten.
Hier das Interview:
Me: Did you always wish to become a professional musician?
The POLYCORNS: My whole life, my family always encouraged music and everything associated with it. I always wanted to be a filmmaker too. and the ever popular astronaut...
Me: Imagine the apocalypse. Which song by which artist would you rescue to survive?
The POLYCORNS: Wow, that is quite an epic question. hmm, its tough to answer. I guess I could imagine a different artist save in a million different scenarios, from Niel Young to Deerhoof.
Me: Where do you get ideas for tracks from?
The POLYCORNS: Usually a song comes from me being immersed in some sort of rhythm or chord on the guitar or piano. I'll sit there for hours exploring it. It's all very fun for me. After a couple days or so the song is just there, its very gradual sometimes. other times its faster...
Me: What differs your music from radio-mainstream-shit?
The POLYCORNS: hahaha, well, I guess you could say the politics of "radio friendly" music is part of radio's destruction. When you have tons of corporate ceo's from huge record labels deciding on what sells the best, the evolution of music is lost. Not only is it lost its promoted to a new generation of people who aren't aware that the music they listen to on the radio is such bull shit. From an early age these people were taught how to ignore the little guy in his basement revolutionizing a sound. I hope that more people will wake up and realize that the indie music being made now is the music people will study decades from now. Not the one hit wonders on the radio. All that stuff sounds the same. BAD..
Me: Do you believe in true love?
The POLYCORNS: Yes and No. Its only true love if both parties involved are on the same page... for the same duration of time. haha
Me: How would you describe your music in 3 words?
The POLYCORNS: breakfast lunch dinner
Me: Which main feeling comes across in your songs?
The POLYCORNS: It depends on the song and the person listening. I personally don't like to tell people the feeling I'm trying to get across because when it comes down to it people are going to feel their own way about it. I don't wanna take that away from them. Just like a painting, people will interpret it and disagree with each other over the feelings and meanings. It belongs to everyone so everyone is right in what they think.
thanks @ POLYCORNS
Hier gibts das Interview mit den POLYCORNS auf Deutsch.
Und hier könnt ihr das Album "Goldfish Graveyards" der POLYCORNS downloaden.
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